LEGO and Star Wars have dropped a trailer for one of the most comically unhinged animated specials yet, with LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy! This new 4-piece animated special will be released on 13 September 2024, streaming on Disney+, and features a Star Wars-ified version of Marvel's What If series. Fans can expect to see characters like Jedi Bob, Darth Jar Jar, and even Bounty Hunter Ewoks!
The Plot
The plot revolves around Sig Greebling, a humble (and maybe a little scruffy) nerf herder who unearths a powerful artifact called the Cornerstone from a hidden Jedi temple. The Cornerstone turns the LEGO Star Wars universe on its head, turning good guys into bad guys and vice versa, promising to explore insane mashups like Darth Jar Jar and Jedi Geonosians.
The Return of Jedi Bob
Excitingly, fan favorites like Jedi Bob, a previously unassuming anonymous Jedi minifigure from 7163 Republic Gunship, make a return in this series. For a primer on who Jedi Bob is, check out this post by Star Wars correspondent Vaderfan on Jedi Bob's origins.
It's so refreshing to see Star Wars take itself so unseriously, and the Disney+ LEGO Star Wars animated specials have been pretty fun watches – kid-friendly but also containing plenty of moments suited for adults and even the most orthodox Star Wars acolytes.
Sneak Peek at More Mashups
The trailer also gives us a sneak peek at more mashups that we can expect to see in the animated special, including:
- TIE-Wings
- Rebel AT-ATs (I really want a Rebel AT-AT set now!)
- Dark Millennium Falcon (heavily rumored to also be a LEGO set coming later this year)
LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy promises to be a wild and entertaining ride through a reimagined Star Wars universe. With its comical take on beloved characters and vehicles, this animated special is sure to delight fans of all ages. Mark your calendars for 13 September 2024, and get ready to see the LEGO Star Wars universe like never before!