Bearblock Andy98 It's tracked and we hope to fix it soon!
BTW, honestly guys, you should start promoting Brickzip heavily, I think it should have a thousand times more reach than it does right now.... I mean no offence, but the rest of the Lego forums I know are pretty awful, I'd like to see more activity to be more around here.
Definitely there is a lot of room for improvement, well to be honest it's not a question of margin, but rather to start with these issues (promoting the platform), it has been difficult to adjust the costs and gradually make the project sustainable (I can name several projects even in the LEGO niche that threw the house down and were forced to close the projects a few years later as they were completely unsustainable, this is one of the few things I can assure you that will not be our case).
Especially in the last few months we had to give up some ideas we had for the promotion of Brickzip and focus on other things, as obviously the operating costs are a priority for us, which together with the lack of time of the team members has certainly not helped the growth of the platform...
We hope to gradually put things in place and start trying to attract new people, either through content and publications or by promoting the project, I hope that during this year you notice a positive change, I appreciate very much your point of view.